Sustainable Chat with Raakhee Stratton, Easypeasy Greeny
Raakhee Stratton is an eco blogger who helps mums to adopt sustainable living practices for their homes and families without stress, overwhelm or judgement.
When did you start being eco-conscious?
I’ve been eco-conscious since I was a child. I remember learning about not dropping litter on the ground and the importance of recycling cans at primary school. My mum used to find it a nightmare washing my clothes because my pockets would have the odd crisp or sweet packet because I couldn’t find a bin.
I’ve also taken a more active interest since watching ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ and ‘Blue Planet’ which spurred my interest in the environment and led me to study for a degree in Environmental Science with Open University. I’ve completed two years, another four years to go.
When did you launch your blog?
I started my blog Easypeasy Greeny in 2020 (just before the pandemic). I wanted to buy a lemon (I can’t remember why) so I took a walk to my local supermarket and the only option available to me was to buy a plastic net bag of five lemons. I only needed one so I got really annoyed and ended up going to a little shop nearby instead. On my way home, it really bothered me that I was being ‘encouraged’ to buy more than I needed (I hate food waste). It prompted me to look at other areas of my life and my blog was born.
What type of blogs do you post?
I write about things I do to live sustainably, for example using plastic-free tea bags, eco swaps I’ve made, making my own cleaning products, buying second-hand things and eco-friendly menstrual products. I also post reviews as I feel people will buy based on recommendations. I only post honest reviews and only on products I’ve actually tried myself. I’m incredibly active on Instagram too where I post tips about eco-anxiety, how to get kids interested in the environment, and eco swaps I’ve made – I love doing reels. I’m working on a blog about my 6-year-old getting her green Blue Peter badge, a major proud parent moment!
How do you help other mums?
I’m all about judgement-free sustainable living. Everyone’s circumstances are different and I’ve seen posts where a mum has asked a question and they’re shamed for not doing things ‘the right way’ (whatever that means). This is completely counterproductive and doesn’t help anyone. It’s ok to buy things second-hand, it’s ok to make do and mend, it’s ok to do what you can. There’s no such thing as perfect. I love sharing ideas of what works for me and learning from other mums about what works for them. When I had my daughter, I bought so much stuff second-hand; her stroller, mobile walker, steriliser, bottle warmer, over the cot change tray, clothes, toys and it has saved me hundreds of pounds.
What’s your 30-day Eco Swap Challenge?
The idea for the 30-day Eco Swap Challenge came about when I was talking to some mums at the school gates and they said they had no idea where to start because they found it so overwhelming. When I started really living sustainably, I tried to do everything in one go and failed miserably so I had first-hand experience of this. Another barrier seemed to be the idea that sustainable living is expensive and it doesn’t have to be – taking your own shopping bags instead of buying new ones, buying second-hand (where you can), walking instead of driving (where you can).
How many people have done it? What’s their feedback?
I’ve had 35 people who have taken part in the challenge and I’ve had messages telling me that they liked that it was one swap a day. There were things that they hadn’t even thought about and there’s quite a few changes in the challenge where they didn’t even need to buy anything. With money being tight, cost will always be a factor which is one of the main reasons it’s priced so low. They also said it’s given them a really good place to start.
What are your top three tips for mums wanting to live more sustainably?
My top three tips are:
- It’s totally fine to buy things second-hand, kids grow out of things so quickly and it’s a great way to save money.
- Instead of buying an expensive baby monitor, use an old mobile phone you have lying around and use an app like Alfred Camera to link it up to your phone and you can keep an eye on your little one when they are in another room.
- Children learn a lot from their parents. If they see you caring about the environment, litter-picking, drinking out of reusable water bottles, repurposing something – they are likely to adopt those practices too. After all, they will inherit this planet from us.
To read Raakhee Stratton’s blog please visit Easypeasy Greeny.